19 things I learned by 19


"Adulting is definitely difficult, overwhelming and confusing. but one thing for sure, that I am loving it."

So 19 things which I learned by 19 are as follows-

1. You can’t please Everyone– This had to be number one. Look, we have limited time so don’t waste it in pleasing people who maybe don’t even care about you, you will mess up with your own life. You just can’t make everyone happy all at once. The only person you should be pleasing is you yourself.

2. You can’t understand college life, you can just live it or maybe survive it- College made me hit rock bottom but it also made me do things which I never thought of doing. Gave a anxiety but also made me wise. These 3-4 years of college are for experimentation where you can learn about a lot of things. Maybe you will find your calling.

3. It’s okay to fail- Cliche but true.There will be times when you won’t get the results you expected and maybe it will discourage you but trust me, failure is an experience which helps you succeed.

4. Silence is Golden- I can’t tell you how many time I have been called shy, afraid and nervous but what people say doesn’t matter. When you are silent, you heal, you grow, you learn and you actually do things rather than just talking and I think that’s how you achieve your dreams.

5. You become like the 5 people you spend most of your time with- You must have heard this that “If you hang out with 4 billionaires, the chances are you will become the 5th. ” This year made me realize the importance of good company. If you want to do something, spend time with people who have done it or who are actually doing it. people and their vibes, their values and wisdom have a huge impact on us.So CHOOSE WISELY.

6.You can’t have just one source of income- These days one source of income is not enough to increase the quality of life.Set up a side business or a part-time job.

7. Your circle will change- Your school squad won’t be with you all your life.your circle will change as you grow up because of the career path you will take. (well, some of them will remain).

8. Social media isn’t that bad– It is a great platform to showcase your talent and hard work, to connect with like-minded people. it can be a source of income too. So yeah, I think that’s enough explanation.

9.Make saving a habit- You never know when you fall short of money, so you musttt save for future. I have been saving since I was 8.

10. Learn to invest- Just saving money isn’t enough, learn about investing. NOTHING BETTER THAN MONEY MULITPLYING ITSELF.

11.Keep some things to yourself– how you are growing your business, what your dreams are, how much you earn, these are the things which you shouldn’t reveal even to your best friends, not even to your family. People these days do not even think twice to take advantage of you and keeping things to yourself doesn’t mean that you don’t trust anyone, it just means that you are cautious.

12.If it feels wrong, it probably is- Trusts your instinct, it never lies. and even if you go against it and something bad happens, learn from it and grow.

13. Let success speak- It doesn’t matter what you say, but what you do. I have never seen successful people bragging about their success.
Also, people will take credit of what you have done, let them. when it’s your time, you will bloom.

14. What you think is what you become- Feed your mind with knowledge, information, and positivity. Vibrate so high that one day you become successful.

15. It’s okay to be vulnerable- I don’t believe in that ‘I am strong because I don’t cry’. I have cried in front of strangers and I am totally okay with that because I know that it doesn’t lower my value. And if anyone thinks that I am weak because I show my emotions then maybe you aren’t human. And let’s be honest, we all are vulnerable right so why hiding?

16. Stay single till you are ready and of course in love- Relationships demand time, effort and sacrifices. If you aren’t ready then don’t go for it.

 17. Embarrassment is going to be your baby- Okay, so I will be totally honest here, because honesty is what I write for. I am a ‘minding my own business’ kinda person, which you call ‘being shy’ and I sometimes get so overwhelmed by emotions which you call ‘being nervous’ and I say such stupid and irrelevant things which absolutely makes no sense, that too with my voice shaking. Also, I have been embarrassed on dates, while giving presentions, on the road, in my home. Basically everywhere. so now I have kinda adopted embarrassment.  You need to move on man. You must understand that ‘a bad day doesn’t mean a bad life’.

18. Try everything and then form your own opinions- Unless you try out things by your own self, you won’t know how things work for you and how you react to them. so no matter what people tell you, go out and experience the world yourself and then only make your opinions.

19. Being independent emotionally- ‘Build your own garden, don’t wait for somebody to bring you flowers’ written by unknown.
I never rely on anyone for my emotions. be someone who creates its own happiness. be able to lift yourself up when you fall, be there for yourself, cook for yourself(I don't do this now,though i can make maggie,lol),pamper yourself, take yourself out, but stuff for yourself, and work for yourself.Be honest with what you do and stay true.
©Bhavya🌺,19 things I learned by 19